Product: Washington [2025-02-23] - contacts

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Product name
Washington [2025-02-23] - contacts
United States
Version date
Created At
2025-02-23 07:53:20
Price (excl. VAT)
19.95 EUR

Total 2 items.


1Records amountthe total amount of records (lines)1'328
2Unique e-mail'samount of unique e-mail's2'365
Total 8 items.

Fields statistics

#Data field nameDescriptionAmountPercent
1Activitycompany activity1'328100%
2Namecompany name1'328100%
3Addresscompany registration address1'328100%
4Citycompany registration address city1'328100%
5Phonecontact phone number1'32699%
6Internet sitecompany internet site78459%
7E-mail (domain)company webpage e-mail addresses are connected with the website internet address32324%
8Contact e-mailcompany contact e-mail957%

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